首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >香椿容器育苗基质配方选择研究




2009~ 2010年在温棚采用距地表70 cm处黄壤土、腐殖土、复合肥的不同配比进行香椿育苗试验,通过对各组试验的苗高、地径、根系数量、病虫害测定比较分析,结果表明,处理A5(新土50%+腐殖土50%+复合肥150 9)配方最宜于香椿苗木的高、径、根生长,幼苗出圃时平均高达56.52 cm,地径为1.04 cm,根的平均条数为18.6条,显著优于对照.故该基质配方可以在生产上推广应用.%The media selection of seedling raising experiments of Toona sinensis were conducted using different proportioning of immature subsoil, humus soil and compound fertilizer as the main components. Varies of indexes such as seedling height, basal diameter, root number and occurrence of pest and disease, were determined. The experimental results showed that the optimum media formula for seedling growth of Toona sinensis was immature subsoil 50 % + humus soil 50 % + 150 g of compound fertilizer. Cultivated in this media formula, before site planting, the seedling height, basal diameter and the average "root number were 56. 52 cm, 1. 04 cm and 18. 6 respectively, which were significantly higher than the control.



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