首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >不同水源距离对胡杨林群落特征的影响




At the lower reach of Tarim River, through setting samples located at different distances from the River, the community characteristics of Populus euphratica forests were studied. The plant species, height, crown width, plant number and coverage were surveyed. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the communities with different distances to the river. As the distance from the river increase, both soil water content and Populus euphratica individual number decrease. In near mature and mid-aged forests, the dominant position of Populus euphratica is more obvious than that in mature forest. As far as the community stability is concerned, the mid-age is more stable than the mature and near mature forest. With the distance from river increase, the canopy density and cover degree rapidly decrease.%2009年在塔里木河下游从河岸500m处开始不等间距设置12块标准地对胡杨林群落进行植物种类、高度、冠幅、株数、盖度等因子的调查,分析了水源的远近对胡杨林群落特征的影响.结果表明:离水源不同距离的胡杨林群落存在明显差异,随着离水源距离的增加土壤含水率及胡杨密度越来越低;近熟林和中龄林中胡杨的优势地位低于成熟林,中龄林的胡杨林群落稳定性高于成熟林和近熟林;成熟林和中龄林中,胡杨林群落的郁闭度、盖度等都随着离河床距离的增加而急剧降低.



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