首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >不同八角林分类型蚂蚁群落多样性研究




The ant diversity in four different Illicium verum stands, intercopping Ⅰ , mixed Ⅱ of Ⅰ. Verum + Camellia oleifera, pure Ⅲ of Ⅰ. Verum, and mixed Ⅳ of Ⅰ. Verum + tea was studied in four different phonological periods of Ⅰ. Verum, in January spring shooting period, April ripening period of spring fruits, October ripening period of autumn fruits, and December, dormancy period, in 2008 in Funing, Yunnan. Ant specimens of 6 subfamilies, 21 genera and 44 species were collected by trap method. The dominant species is Pheidologeton tvechideros. But the dominant species, community composition of the ants were different in each of four phonological periods and four stands of Ⅰ. Verum. The diversity differences of ant communities among habitats is related with the occurrence and damage levels of Asterococcus yunnanensis to /. Verum stands. The managing differences of the four Ⅰ. Verum stands result in vegetation and habitat of the stands changing, causing bigger change of ant community composition.%2008年于云南富宁县八角林的2月春梢期、4月春果成熟期、10月秋果成熟期、12月休眠期4个重要物候期对八角林间作农作物林分类型Ⅰ、八角与油茶混交林林分类型Ⅱ、八角纯林林分类型Ⅲ、八角与茶树混交林林分类型Ⅳ4种八角林分类型,采用设样陷阱诱捕法采集蚂蚁,对不同八角林分类型的蚂蚁群落多样性进行了研究.共捕获蚂蚁44种,隶属6亚科21属.研究得出,粗纹巨首蚁是当地八角林中蚂蚁群落的绝对优势种.但在八角林各物候期及不同的八角林分类型内,蚂蚁的优势种类、群落组成特征不完全相同,造成八角林分类型间蚂蚁群落多样性差异的原因与其八角林云南链壶蚧的发生及危害程度有关.各八角林分类型经营状态的不同导致林分的植被类型及生境产生变化,使蚂蚁群落结构也发生较大的变化.



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