首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >微纤丝制取设备的总体设计及制取原理分析




Wood cell wall mainly composes of cellulose , hemicellulose and lignin composition .Combined with the characteristics of wood cell wall composition , a preparation machine is designed by using high-speed rotating grind-ing method to gain microfibril .The machine includes the host part , lubrication system, cooling system, steam generating device and electric control system .Preparation of Microfibril host part is introduced , and the wood shav-ings refinement process , preparation of the principle of microfibril are analyzed . The results show that small pieces of wood , as raw materials for processing , is placed into the feed hopper for steam cooking .After high tem-perature and pressure cooking for 2 h, the small pieces of wood is sent into a host of high-speed rotating abrasive grinding room with the support from good high-temperature high-pressure steam , heated during the grinding shear and impact refinement indoor , then the microfibril is produced .This paper also analyzes the feasibility of preparing microfibril, which provides a theoretical basis for the future manufacture and preparation of laboratory equipment .%木材细胞壁主要由纤维素、半纤维素和木质素组成,结合木材细胞组成特点,采用高速旋转式磨削粉碎方法制取微纤丝,设计出制取微纤丝设备的整机,其包括主机部分、润滑系统、冷却系统、蒸汽发生装置和电控系统等,针对制取微纤丝主机部分进行重点介绍,并对原料破坏细化过程,制取微纤丝的原理进行分析说明。研究结果表明,微纤丝抽取工艺是采用木材锯末作为加工原料,将木材锯末放入通入蒸汽的进料漏斗进行蒸煮,高温高压蒸煮2h后,将蒸煮好木材锯末借助高温高压的蒸汽送入主机部分的研磨室内进行高速旋转研磨,在研磨室内进行激烈的研磨剪切和撞击细化,得到微纤丝。本项研究还分析论证制取微纤丝的可行性,为今后实验台的加工制造和微纤丝制取提供理论依据。



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