首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >云南普达措国家公园游客时空格局




The spatial-temporal distribution pattern and its changes are very important and meaningful to tourist place and tourism industry .As the first National Park in China , the Potatso National Park has special natural land-scape.Selecting the Potatso National Park as research site , we collected the original data through the question-naire, analyzed tourists’statistic data over the years, calculated time intensity index and geographic concentration factor, and finally analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution pattern of tourists .The results show that tourist amount shows the trend of rising every year and within the year the distribution is not uniform , tourists quantity on the golden week and holiday is obviously higher than other time; the amount of 80%tourists concentrates in Southern China , Southwest of China , East of China , and North of China .%旅游流的时空格局分布与变化对旅游地及其产业发展具有重要意义。作为我国大陆第一个国家公园,云南普达措国家公园自然景观独特。本项研究通过历年游客统计数据和景区内问卷调查,分析了该公园游客时间和空间格局,并发现游客量总体呈每年不断上升的趋势,年内分布不均匀,淡旺季明显,黄金周及假日游客量明显高于其他时段的游客量;空间分布格局为游客量80%以上集中于华南、西南、华东、华北地区。



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