首页> 中文期刊> 《西部林业科学》 >元谋干热河谷区薪炭林造林树种及模式研究




在对元谋小横山试验林多年跟踪调查研究的基础上,通过对19个参试树种生长量、生物量和热能产值的测定,筛选元谋干热河谷区适宜的薪材树种。同时,比较撩壕、大塘和牛犁沟3种整地方式、不同定植时间、不同定植密度等因素对造林后幼树生长的影响。结果表明,赤桉、银合欢、苏门答腊金合欢、念珠相思、山毛豆等5个树种为元谋干热河谷区适宜的薪材树种,其造林3年后,林木的生物量(气干材)达9.0 t/hm2以上(年平均3.0 t/hm2),其中薪材7.65 t/hm2。最适造林模式为:(1)撩壕整地;(2)造林密度:桉树类5000株/hm2,银合欢、苏门答腊金合欢、念珠相思、山毛豆等10000株/hm2;(3)定植季节是夏至到大暑节令之间。%Based on years of continous tracking study on the experimental forests in Xiaohengshan , Yuanmou County , Yunnan , this article documents how efforts were made to identify and select tree species most suitable for fuel wood consumption out of 19 studied tree species across the arid valley area in Yuanmou .In the process indica-tors such as the growth , biomass and levels of heat production of 19 tree species were measured .In the article fac-tors that may have influence on the growth of juvenile trees after being planted with different afforestation modes were discussed by comparing 3 patterns of soil preparation , i.e., ditch digging , large soil pool and bovine fur-row, and various colonization season/density.Results from this study show that Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Leucae-na leucocephala, Acacia suma, Acacia torulosa and Tephrosia candida were 5 species most suitable for afforestation efforts to plant as fuelwood in this area .Three years after the afforestation , the tree biomass was more than 9.0 t/hm2 (annual 3.0 t/hm2), among which the fuel wood was up to 7.65 t/ha.The best afforestation mode is:(1) Soil preparation should conducted by means of ditch digging; (2) Planting density for trees of the eucalyptus species should be set at 5 000 tree/hm2 and for the others , i.e., Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia suma, Acacia torulosa and Tephrosia candida as 10 000 tree/hm2; (3) The most appropriate planting season should be the peri-od from Summer Solstice to Slight Heat .



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