


There is a tale on Seokju (a ship made of stone) around the Southeast Coast in Korean Peninsula, which was adapted from the period of Wei Jin Northern and Southern Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. The points of such tales are as follows. 1. the ship was made of stone, 2. the stone ship drifted ashore, 3. the stone ship came for the purpose of educating Buddhist texts. This paper selects 5 cases of Seokju tales translated by the historical works and the record of events inscribed on a tablet, analyses the plots of the tales and the historical backgrounds and the historical facts, in order to find the facts of the culture exchange of two countries, especially the related cultural history of Buddhism. It shows that the backgrounds of the tales on Seokju are the period of Three Kingdoms and the United Shilla Kingdom. And Buddhism came from China to the Southeast Coast in Korean Peninsula before and after the period of Three Kingdoms and it was propagated actively.%朝鲜半岛的西南沿海地区流传着一类以中国魏晋南北朝和唐代为背景的石舟故事。这类故事的核心要素有三个:一是被称作石舟、石船的船,二是船之抵达方式——海岸漂着型,三是与石舟到来目的——弘法有关的寺刹创建缘起故事和观音缘起故事。本文选取了历史文献和金石文中流传下来的五个石舟故事,分析每则故事的情节要素和相关历史背景、历史事件,探讨了石舟故事背后两国间文化交流的实际样貌,特别是其中相关的佛教文化史史实。石舟故事以朝鲜半岛的三国时代和统一新罗时代为背景,表明三国时代佛教被承认之前后时期,中国佛教文物多样化地传到朝鲜半岛西南海岸,弘扬流通佛法的活动非常活跃。



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