首页> 中文期刊> 《渭南师范学院学报》 >《清素庵》的角色命名解读




Names in Qingshu Nunnery has its features. The protagonist is named with a Chinese character Qing, while the heroine is with Su, and they are connected with each other to be Qingsu. It is featured that the author created Baiyu Nunnery they encountered and engaged to be Qingsu Nunnery, which is the coincidence of their names and is featured with the purification of the temples. Those names are not random, but embodied with some implications, in order to predict their personality, their sex, the au- thor' s creating purpose, and the implied symbols which reflect the coordination of names in scenario, filled with the author' s painstaking effort, as the important part of the content.%《清素庵》中的人物命名很有特点,男主角的名字都有“清”字,女主角的名字都有“素”字,他们最终结为连理后,合成“清素”一词。更巧妙的是剧作者将他们盟订百年的白玉庵命名为“清素庵”,既是人名的巧合,也符合佛寺作为清净之所的特点。这些人名在剧本中并非随心所欲,信手拈来,而是皆有深意,是揭示人物个性特征、标识人物性别、暗示创作意图、照应剧本名称或隐或现的意蕴符号,饱含着作者创作的心血,是戏曲内容的重要组成部分。



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