首页> 中文期刊>渭南师范学院学报 >赵生群《史记》研究述评




赵生群先生从事《史记》研究三十多年,成果丰硕。其研究成果主要体现在五个领域:其一为太史公研究,考证司马谈作史、太史公为官名、补证司马迁生于建元六年;其二为《史记》断限与续补研究,考证《史记》记事讫于太初及《史记》亡缺与续补;其三为《史记》取材研究,考证《史记》取材于诸侯史记、《史记》与《战国策》的关系、帛书《战国纵横家书》所载史料不可尽信、司马迁所见书;其四为《史记》编纂体例研究,重点考论《史记》体例、述史框架、《史记》书法、史学理论、纪传体与传记文学;其五为《史记》及三家注文本整理,最大成就即主持修订中华书局点校本《史记》。%Zhao Shengqun has spent more than 30 years and made great achievements on the study of Historical Records. His a⁃chievements mainly exit in five fields. Firstly he studies on Taishigong, as a name of official post, which researched on Sima Tan’ s historical writing and a supplement proving that Sima Qian was born in the sixth year of Jianyuan period in Han Dynasty;secondly he studies on the end of Historical Records and sequels of this book, which defined that the lower bound of Historical Records was in years of Taichu period;thirdly he studies on the source of historical materials of Historical Records;fourthly he studies on the edition style of Historical Records; finally he studies on textual punctuation, collation and arranging on Historical Records, and hosts the compilation of Historical Records published by Zhonghua Bookstore.



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