首页> 中文期刊> 《电子科技大学学报》 >基于游程统计的自同步扰码多项式阶数估计




In order to get the self-synchronizing scrambling information of the unknown lines in digital communication, a method of order estimation of self-synchronizing scrambling polynomial is presented. Through deeply studying the run property of self-synchronizing scrambled sequences, the corresponding relationship between the result of run statistic and the order of the self-synchronizing scrambling polynomial is gained. With this relationship, after calculating the run statistic with different length using the received scrambled sequence, the self-synchronizing scrambling polynomial order of the unknown line will be estimated through the distribution of the run extremums. The results of experiment verify the correctness of the theory analysis and the validity of the whole method.%为了获取数字通信中未知线路的自同步加扰信息,提出了一种自同步扰码多项式的阶数估计方法。通过对自同步加扰序列的游程特性进行深入研究,发现了自同步加扰序列的游程统计结果与自同步扰码多项式阶数的对应关系。利用这一关系,通过对接收到的自同步加扰序列进行不同长度的游程统计,根据统计结果的极值变化可以估计出未知线路自同步扰码多项式的阶数。实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性和自同步扰码多项式阶数估计方法的有效性。



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