首页> 中文期刊>电子科技大学学报 >基于价值驱动的人类行为动力学实证研究和建模




In order to explore the value driving feature and mechanism of human behavior, the statistical analysis of the intervals of fitness behavior and paper downloading is presented. The results show that the fitness interval distribution between individual and collective is relatively uniform, no long interval,tail downward trend with the exponential function; the downloading interval distribution between individual and collective follows power-law distribution. The empirical analysis results show that the right to free dispose of time is a practical factor to influence human behavior and change the interval time distribution of the behavior. Accordingly, we propose a value driving dynamic model which shows a good agreement between the theoretical predictions and the empirical results.%为了探究价值驱动的人类行为特征及其机理,对基于价值驱动的健身运动行为和论文下载行为的间隔时间进行统计。统计结果表明,个体和集体健身运动行为时间间隔分布比较匀值,没有长时间的间隔,尾部下降趋势适用于指数函数,个体和群体下载论文行为时间间隔服从幂律分布。实证分析结果显示,时间自由支配权是影响人们行为的实际因素,改变行为的间隔时间分布规律。根据实证分析研究结果,提出了一个基于价值驱动的人类行为动力学模型,理论预测和实证结果相吻合。



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