首页> 中文期刊>电子科技大学学报 >WSN铀尾矿库核污染监测GAF交圆改进型路由




In monitoring for uranium tailing, wireless sensor network (WSN) is superior to traditional line layout. Due to energy constraint, it is necessary to use energy efficiently in routing. After analyzing low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and geographical adaptive fidelity (GAF) algorithms, an improved routing algorithm based on intersecting circle amd GAF is proposed. It uses location information of nodes and intersecting circle model to separate monitoring areas into a grid of circle. Cluster heads selection is carried out with surplus energy and distance to the virtual circle center. And, cluster heads choose the most optimal next hop to transmit information. The simulation results show that the algorithm can balance energy consumption effectively and extend network lifetime.%在对铀尾矿库进行监测时,无线传感器优于传统的有线布置,但由于能量受限,在路由传输中必须高效地使用能量.该文在分析LEACH和GAF算法的基础上,提出了一种基于GAF交圆结构的改进型路由算法(IC-GAF).利用节点地理位置信息与相交圆的结构模型来划分虚拟圆,在虚拟圆内根据剩余能量和节点与中心的距离来选举簇头,簇头从下一接收簇头或中转节点中选择最优的下一跳节点传输数据,最终将数据传输到基站.仿真表明,IC-GAF能有效的降低节点能耗,延长网络寿命.



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