首页> 中文期刊> 《铜仁学院学报》 >群众路线视阈下的基层人大代表竞选机制




基层人大代表由人民群众选出,代表人民参与国家政治生活,其权力由人民群众赋予,理应对选民负责;贴近群众,走群众路线是基层人大代表选举的应有之意。将竞选机制引入基层人大代表选举中能体现人民群众的集体意志,切合群众路线精神。从群众中选出的代表在开展实际工作时要回归到群众中去,代表专职化能够促使代表更全心全意地履行其职责。在此过程中,竞选机制是其强大推动力,同时,专职化也能活泛竞选制,在完善基层人大代表选举中可以将两者结合起来。%The representatives of grassroots NPC(National People’s Congress) are elected by the local people, on behalf of whom, these representatives participate in the national political life and by whom ,their power is endowed. Hence they should be responsible for the voters. Closing to the masses and following the mass line are the necessities of the grassroots NPC representatives. The policy that the competitive mechanism is introduced to the grassroots NPC representative election can reflect the masses’ will and fit in with the spirit of the mass line. The elected representatives should return to the masses in the course of carrying out the actual work. The professionalization of representatives can promote them to fulfill their duties more wholeheartedly. In this process, the election mechanism is a powerful driving force, and meanwhile, the professionalization can make the election system more flexible, both of which can be combined in improving the grassroots NPC representative election.



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