首页> 中文期刊> 《天津市工会管理干部学院学报》 >大力推进企业工资集体协商的几点建议




In the process of promoting collective bargaining system in the enterprise, however nowactays we have a lot rooms to improve, such as the employers and employees" narrow understanding, the inequality be- tween the employers and employees, and cadres'disability in the trade union. Finally the goal and effect should be clearer. Therefore, we should publicize further to make the deputies, the members of the National Committee of CPPCC, and business entity play the role of leading. We should improve the leaders" ability, realize the re- sponsibility, and work for the grass root. We should improve our training and improve the leaders" ability of ne- gotiation to stabilize the awareness of safeguarding rights by the active way, by law, and by scientific way.%在推进企业工资集体协商工作中,目前尚存在企业劳资双方普遍存在认识不高、劳资双方地位不平等、工会干部和职工代表协商能力亟待提高、协商的针对性和实效性需进一步增强等问题。对此,应进一步加强宣传引导,充分发挥人大代表、政协委员、劳模先进中企业法人的示范带头作用;进一步加强领导,明确职责,狠抓落实;进一步加大培训力度,切实提高谈判能力和水平;进一步贯彻主动、依法、科学相结合的维权观。



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