首页> 中文期刊>纺织学报 >试析蓝印花布制作工艺中蕴含的民间造物观念




以民间造物观念的视角切入,通过分析蓝印花布制作过程的原料选取、入染及防染技艺、纹饰设计、实用纺织品制作等工序,归纳其制作工艺的特点.认为它蕴含着朴素的生态自然观念、蓝白之色的素朴之美、节用致用为本的造物原则和寓意吉祥的纹饰设计方法等造物观念.这些民间造物观念根植于普通民众的物质、精神生活之中,对它们深入分析和研究,挖掘蕴含其中的积极意义,可以启发现代设计,为人们提供更健康、更环保、更人性化的生活方式.%To view from the perspective of popular creation ideas, the Blue Calico production process is addressed in terms of selection of raw materials, coloring, anti-staining, patterns designing and practical textiles production process. The production characteristics are summarized and it argues that the process contains eco-natural concept, concise beauty of white/blue colors, creation ideas of saving and practical, and implication of luckiness and happiness. These creation ideas are closely linked with people's lives, both material and spiritual lives of the people . Making use of these creation ideas in folk can inspire our modern art design, and provide services for the people to make our life more healthy, more eco-friendly and more humanized.



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