首页> 中文期刊> 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 >高功率微波器件的初步优化设计




将遗传算法与全电磁粒子模拟算法有机融合,研制出二维全电磁粒子模拟并行优化程序。据此对高功率微波源器件--磁绝缘线振荡器(MILO)和超辐射返波管(SRBWO)进行优化设计。将束波转换效率作为优化目标,在输入功率基本不变的情况下,优化后的磁绝缘线振荡器的效率比原模型提高38.8%;将超辐射相对论返波管的峰值输出功率作为优化目标,优化后的器件峰值输出功率比原来提高了37.5%,束波转化效率提高了50%;将超辐射相对论返波管的输出微波总能量作为优化目标,输出微波总能量比原来提高了38.1%。经优化后获取的器件模型几何参数合理,物理图像正确。%A paralleled 2-dimensional optimization code is developed by combining the Genetic Algorithm with Particle-In-Cell(PIC) code in order to improve the design of High Power Microwave(HPM) sources. Two HPM sources-Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line Oscillator(MILO) and Superradiance Relativistic Backward Wave Oscillator(SRBWO)-are optimized by using this optimization code. While the beam-wave conversion efficiency is set as optimization goal, the efficiency of optimized MILO is higher than original one by 38.8% with almost the same input power; while the peak output power is set as optimization goal, the peak output power of SRBWO has increased by 37.5% and the beam-wave conversion efficiency has increased by 50%; while the total energy of output wave is the optimization goal, the total energy of output wave of SRBWO has increased by 38.1%. All optimized models obtain reasonable geometry parameters and exact simulating spectra.



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