首页> 中文期刊>唐山师范学院学报 >自媒体的“旅行叙事”与城市的形象营销--基于对新浪微博“带着微博去旅行”活动的研究




自媒体时代,城市形象建构的维度更加多元,“旅行叙事”再次进入公众视野。旅行的内容在空间位移的基础上加入了媒介书写:将自己经历过的地理景观和风俗人情连同个人感受描述通过自媒体分享,形成一种自媒体传播中的“旅行叙事”。这类“旅行叙事”也因其具有庞大的数量、丰富的内容题材、鲜明的民间话语特性而产生了空间拓展和文化传播的功效。这种旅行书写由于再现了地理景观,传播了地域文化,同时加入旅行者个人体验,最终集结成为关于旅行目的地全方位的信息提供者,因此亦是城市形象构建和营销的重要路径。%Since the age of We-media, the construction of city image is diverse. Under this context,"travel narrative" comes into public view with new face. Now in people’s living habits, travel includes not only space displacement but also“media writing”:describe the geographical landscape as well as custom and human feelings together with personal feelings and then share it by using media, which can be called‘travel narrative’ at the era of We-media. With rich traveler experience and traveler’s self-realization and at the same time with its large number, rich contents and distinctive folk discourse characteristics, this kind of "travel narrative" causes the spatial expansion and cultural dissemination effect. Because of its representation of geographical landscape, the spreading of regional culture, travelers’ personal experience, this kind of travel writing are assembled into a full range of travel destination information providers. And it is also an important path of city image construction and marketing.



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