首页> 中文期刊> 《绥化学院学报 》 >“失独老人”养老保障及法律问题研究




The problem of the older lost only child is a serious problem exists in the field of population. Generation and strict implementation of the family planning policy has long been closely related to the older lost only child. The natural population growth rate and the total fertility rate in the two indicators reflect the family planning policy to control population size has played a positive role, but it also significantly reduces the ability of individual households to withstand the risk of accidents, and for the the older lost only child population appears planted foreshadowing. the older lost only child, there are many problems in terms of survival and pensions, adjust the family planning policy, improve legislation, the establishment of caring for the elderly alone lost funds, pension insurance, pushing the government, social organizations working for the Aged loss alone, two-way from the spiritual and material dimensions increase the the older lost only Child and care are helping to solve the practical difficulties of the question of meaning.%失独老人问题是我国人口领域存在的严峻问题。失独老人的产生与我国长期以来严格施行的计划生育政策密切相关。人口自然增长率和总和生育率两个指标反映出计划生育政策在控制人口规模方面发挥了积极作用,但同时也明显降低了个体家庭抵御意外风险的能力,为失独老人群体的出现埋下了伏笔。失独老人在养老保障和法律体系建设方面存在诸多问题,适时调整计划生育政策;完善立法,强化法律执行,建构有针对性的法律救助体系;建立失独老人养老保险;推动政府、社会组织参与失独老人养老工作,从精神和物质双向维度加大对失独老人的扶助和关爱是解决现实困境的题中之义。



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