首页> 中文期刊> 《南方农业学报》 >野生苦瓜与栽培苦瓜的生物学性状和光合特性比较




[目的]研究野生苦瓜与栽培苦瓜的生物学特性和光合特性差异,为苦瓜栽培、引种及育种提供参考.[方法]以3个野生苦瓜和6个栽培苦瓜种为材料,研究不同苦瓜类型坐果后的生物学性状及坐果时的光合特性.[结果]野生苦瓜单瓜重小于或等于50g,栽培苦瓜单瓜重在300g以上;野生苦瓜的瓜瘤为刺瘤,小而密,栽培苦瓜多为条瘤或粒条相间;野生苦瓜瓜肉厚度为0.3~0.4 cm,栽培苦瓜瓜肉厚度为1.0~1.2 cm;野生苦瓜纵径在11.0 cm、横径在4.5 cm以内,栽培苦瓜纵径为20.0~48.8cm,横径为5.0~9.0cm;野生苦瓜单瓜种子数16~22粒,种子千粒重53.67~83.33 g,栽培苦瓜单瓜种子数23~47粒,千粒重180.2~206.67 g;野生苦瓜对枯萎病的抗性明显强于栽培苦瓜;野生苦瓜的净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率、气孔导度分别为14.64~18.92 μmol·m-2·s-1、110.50~164.06 mmol·m-2·s-1、7.61~9.80 mmol·m-2·s-1和0.496~1.203 mol· m-2·s-1,而栽培苦瓜的净光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、蒸腾速率、气孔导度分别为10.42~14.59 μmol· m2·s-1、137.85~258.00 mmol· m-2·s-1、5.63~8.08 mmol· m2·s-1、0.258~0.532 mol· m-2· s-1.[结论]野生苦瓜的瓜形小、单瓜重小、种子千粒重小,但其枯萎病抗性好、光合速率高,而栽培苦瓜的瓜形大、单瓜重大、种子千粒重大,但其枯萎病抗性相对较差、光合速率相对较低.%[Objective]This research aimed to understand and compare the biological characteristics and photosyn-thetic characteristics of wild bitter gourd and cultured bitter gourd in order to provide references for improving bitter gourd cultivation, introduction, and breeding. [Method]Using 3 different varieties of wild bitter gourd and 6 different varieties of cultivated bitter gourd as research materials, the biological and photosynthetic characteristics of the different bitter gourd varieties during and after fruit setting were studied. [Result]The weight of each wild bitter gourd was less than or equal to 50 g, while the weight of each cultivated bitter gourd was greater than 300 g. The melon tumors of wild bitter gourd were mainly small and dense papilloma; in contrast, the melon tumors of cultured bitter gourd were mainly aneurysm or phased tablets. The flesh thickness of wild bitter gourd fruit was 0.3-0.4 cm, while the flesh thickness of cultured bitter gourd was between 1.0-1.2 cm. For wild bitter gourd, the longitudinal diameter was within 11 cm and the transverse diameter was within 4.5 cm; in comparison, for cultured bitter gourd, the longitudinal diameter was 20.0-48.8 cm and the transverse diameter was 5.0-9.0 cm. The seeds per fruit of wild bitter gourd were between 16 to 22 grains, and the 1000-seed weight was 53.67-83.33 g. As for the cultivated bitter gourd, the seeds per fruit were between 23 to 47 grains, and the 1000-seed weight was 180.2-206.67 g. Despite its physical deficiencies, wild bitter gourd exhibited stronger resistance against fusarium wilt compared to cultivated bitter gourd. The net photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance of wild bitter gourd were 14.64-18.92 μmol · m-2· s-1, 110.50-164.06 mmol-m-2· s-1, 7.61-9.80 mmol-m-2· s-1, and 0.496-1.203 mol·m-2· s-1, respectively; in contrast, the net photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance of cultured bitter gourd were 10.42-14.59 μmol·m-2· s-1, 137.85-258.00 mmol·m-2·s-1, 5.63-8.08 mmol·m-2·s-1, and 0.258-0.532 mol·m-2·s-1, respectively. [Conclusion] For wild bitter gourds, despite the fact that the fruit shape was small and the single fruit weight and 1000-seed weight were lighter, the fruits exhibited high photosynthetic rate and strong resistance against fusarium wilt For cultured bitter gourds, the fruit shape was larger and the single fruit weight and 1000-seed weight were heavier, but the fruits displayed weaker resistance against fusarium wilt and relatively low photosynthetic rate in comparison to those of the wild bitter gourds.



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