首页> 中文期刊>丝绸 >'桑基鱼塘'中诞生的丝绸染色技艺——香云纱的文化遗产与保护




"Mulberry plot-fishpond" is an ecological agriculture style developed in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The unique dyeing technique of Guangdong silk was born from this ecosystem. Nowadays it has become the excellent cultural heritage of China. As the production style of "Mulberry plot-fishpond" gradually disappeared in Foshan, the production and sale of Guangdong silk went in trouble and this unique traditional silk dyeing technique is facing the dilemma of no successor. Today the protection of intangible cultural heritage is the universal will and the common issues of the world.Therefore, in order to regain the extraordinary splendor of the Guangdong silk dyeing technique, it is very necessary to explore its art and value.%"桑基鱼塘"是明清时期发展起来的一种生态农业模式,香云纱生产技术就是从这个生态系统中逐渐催生演化出来的独特染色技艺,是中华民族优秀的文化遗产.随着"桑基鱼塘"式的生产方式在佛山地区日渐消失,香云纱的生产和销售举步维艰,这种独特丝绸染色工艺的传承面临着后继乏人的窘境.保护人类非物质文化遗产是全世界普遍的意愿和共同关心的问题,因此要进一步探讨香云纱的染色技艺,发掘其内在价值,使其重放异彩.



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