首页> 中文期刊> 《丝绸》 >'东桑西移'对蚕茧全要素生产效率影响分析——基于Malmquist指数方法




Based on Malmquist productivity index method, this paper analyzes the changes of TFP(Total Factor Productivity) of China's silk-worm in time and district.It has testified that the grow rate of average TFP of China's cocoon and silk industry rose from 2.5% to 5.6 % from 1999 to 2008.After policy implementation of sericulture shift from east to west, the productivity efficiency, which refers to technical efficiency, technical progress, and TFP, of the central and western China had increased in varying degrees.However, technical progress and TFP of the eastern China, respectively decreased 7.4% and 7.6% while technical efficiency did not change.Henan province of central China, instead of Zhejiang, which lies in eastern China, became the growing fastest province.It is obviously that the policy has proved to be effective.Therefore, in order to make sure of the long-term and lasting development of China's silk industry, the central and western areas should effectively master the development opportunity and improve the production technology, and efficiency.%基于非参数Malmquist方法,分析了"东桑西移"前后中国蚕茧全要素生产率(TFP)的时际和区际变化.研究表明,1999-2008年期间,中国茧丝绸产业全要素生产率增长率从2.5%上升到5.6%;"东桑西移"政策实施后,中部地区和西部地区的蚕茧生产技术进步、技术效率和全要素生产率均有不同程度的增长,而东部地区除技术效率不变外,技术进步和全要素生产率分别下降了7.4%和7.6%;增长最快的省份由东部地区的浙江变成了中部地区的河南.可见,"东桑西移"战略的实施已显成效,中西部地区应有效利用发展时机,不断提高生产技术和生产效率,确保中国茧丝绸产业长远持久地发展.



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