首页> 中文期刊>丝绸 >β-环糊精微胶囊对真丝织物的加香整理




以β-环糊精为壁材,薄荷香精为芯材,通过包结络合法制备了球形微胶囊,并通过喷雾法对真丝织物进行加香整理.探讨了微胶囊水溶液质量浓度、烘干处理温度等因素对真丝织物加香效果的影响,测试了加香织物的耐日照、耐干洗性能及留香时间.实验结果表明,微胶囊水溶液质量浓度720 ~960g/L,60℃烘干处理工艺较优.利用本工艺加香后织物密封留香时间可达到5~7个月,自然环境下可留香3个月左右,不宜在日照下使用,可耐7次干洗.本方法能够满足欧洲规范EN ISO3175-2中工业应用对芳香织物干洗5次的要求,提高了真丝织物的附加值.%This paper prepares globose microcapsule using inclusion complexation method with β-cyclodextrin as the wall material and peppermint essence as the core material and conducts fragrant finishing of silk fabric with spraying method; discusses the influence of mass concentration and drying processing temperature etc. Of microcapsule aqueous solution on fragrant effect of silk fabric and tests the resistance to sunshine and dry cleaning of flavored fabrics and fragrance retaining time. The experimental result shows that the process with mass concentration of microcapsule aqueous solution 720 ~ 960 g/L and 60℃ drying processing is better. The fragrance retaining time of fabrics flavored by this process can reach 5 to 7 months in sealing state and about 3 months in the natural environment. It is inappropriate to use in the sunshine and it can resist 7 times of dry cleaning. This method can meet the requirement of industrial application for five times of dry cleaning of aromatic fabrics in EuroCode En ISO 3175-2 and improve the additional value of silk fabric.



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