首页> 中文期刊>四川理工学院学报(社会科学版) >高校学报与学术道德建设互促共进路径研究




近年来,社会科学领域尤其是高校内学风浮躁与不良学术道德问题引起了学术界及社会各界的极大关注,而各种学术道德失范行为大多发生在论文发表环节,主要表现为:拼接发表;转换发表;虚假标注;一稿多投;伪造数据等。在实践中发现这些学术道德问题的产生大致有以下几个原因:学术道德教育的缺失;功利化的浮躁心态;制度设计方面的缺陷,如缺少完备的科学的评价体系,高校教师评职制度异化等;不良社会环境的影响。高校学报学术道德建设的路径是:首先要建立健全学术道德建设的相关工作机制,加强学术道德教育、完善相关制度建设、制定相关处罚措施;其次要充分发挥学报编辑“把关人”的作用,增强抵制和防范学术道德问题重要性的认识,加强学报编辑的学术道德建设,严格遵守学术规范,提高学报编辑的素质建设,充分借助网络科技手段,不断增强鉴别能力。高校学报应凭借甄别学术不端的先天条件和优势,义不容辞地承担起严肃学术道德的重任,从源头遏制学术道德问题的产生。通过高校学报编辑的努力,增强作者良好的学术道德意识,作者良好的学术道德对于提高学报的质量具有重要意义,两者互促共进,不断提高高校学报的办刊质量。%In recent years, impetuous style of study and poor academic ethic issues in the field of social sciences especially in colleges have aroused great concern of academia and different social sectors. A variety of academic ethic issues such as stitching publication, conversion publication, false labeling, multiple contributions with one manuscript and falsified data mostly occur in the link of papers publication. Reasons for these academic ethic issues found roughly in practice are as following: lack of academic and ethic education, utilitarian and impetuous attitude, deficiencies in the system design like the lack of comprehensive scientific evaluation system and professional title system alienation in colleges, adverse impact of the social environment. Path of college academic ethic construction of college journals is as following: firstly, establishing a sound working mechanism related to academic ethic construction, strengthening academic ethic education, perfecting the relevant system construction and the development of penalties;secondly, giving full play to journal editors as the role of "gatekeeper", enhancing understanding of the importance of resisting and preventing academic ethic issues, strengthening academic ethic construction of journal editors, complying with academic standards, improving the quality of journal editors construction, and making full use of network technology to constantly enhance the ability of identification. With congenital conditions and advantages, colleges'journals should take up the duty of serious academic ethic responsibility to curb the generation of academic ethic issues in the origin. Academic ethic consciousness can be enhanced through the efforts of the journal editors. Academic ethics of authors have important significance for improving the quality of academic journals, which promotes each other. Thus, quality of college journals can be constantly enhanced.



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