首页> 中文期刊>四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) >蜀地入秦初期的管理体制再探讨




Based on Chronicles of Huayang, it is generally believed that after Shu’ s breakdown, ZHANG Ruo was the Shou, a governor of Shu area while the other governor held the position of Xiang. Nevertheless, the record in Chronicles of Huayang is not quite definite in that ZHANG Ruo cannot be a governor for a period as long as 40 years. Moreover, it is quite doubtable that Shu had Shou and Xiang as governors at the same time, no matter judging from the evolution of local management system or the oper-ation of management system. In fact, Shu’ s management system evolved from military control to the sys-tem of enfeoffment and finally to the system of prefectures and counties. ZHANG Ruo was quite probably the Ling of Chengdu when Shu first included into the territory of Qin and then named as Shou because of his great achievement in his official career.%依据《华阳国志》的记载,一般认为秦灭蜀国之后张若即担任了蜀守,蜀地的管理体制是守、相并置。但《华阳国志》的记载并不可靠,据此推导出的张若担任蜀守长达40年说也因任期过长而难以成立。无论从地方管理体制长期演变的过程,还是体制本身的运行要求来看,蜀地守、相同置的体制也没有存在的可能。实际上,蜀地管理体制经历了军事管制、国相负责的分封制、郡县制三个前后相继的阶段。张若本人在灭蜀之初的身份很可能是成都令,停止分封蜀侯以后,他因曾在蜀地有突出政绩而被任命为蜀守。



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