首页> 中文期刊> 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 >志愿者精神对雷锋精神的传承和发展




志愿者精神与雷锋精神一脉相承,两种精神拥有许多共核,如心存犬爱、奉献为乐等等。但二者也有明显不同。与雷锋的公而忘私相比,当今的志愿者在利他的同时,也尊重自身的意愿和权利,并以付出收获成长。从“毫不利己、专门利人”的雷锋精神到“赠人玫瑰、手有余香”的志愿者群体,服务理念的发展变化体现了以人为本,体现了时代进步,也体现了公民意识的觉醒。本文还提出,志愿服务工作和公民道德建设宜着眼于基础性的道德层面,引导公众从力所能及的善举做起,逐步提升社会文明的整体水平,并要警惕以崇高的名义陷入道德偏执。%Volunteerism and the spirit of Lei Feng have much in common in that they embrace the values such as love and devotion. However, the qualities of volunteerism such as advocates of their own rights and willingness also set them apart. The shift from altruism to the extreme to offering services and improving oneself reflect the progress of our times such as the recognition of self-awareness. It is pointed out volunteerism and ethics development should start with the fundamental level and basic services people can offer to the public to promote the social progress. At the same time, we should shun the trap of moral bigotry in the name of sublime.



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