首页> 中文期刊>沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版) >基于热泵余热回收技术的58SiMn钢件生产中热工参数的分析




目的 探讨用热泵技术对东基集团在加工筒型结构件(58SiMn钢材)的过程中的余热进行回收的可行性以及将回收的热量用于加热职工洗浴用水和蒸汽锅炉的补偿水的可行性.方法 对基于热泵技术基础之上的余热回收系统进行了分析,包括系统的组成、工作原理、热工参数等,根据热泵的技术特点运用热力学机理着重对生产过程中中频加热机组、中频电源的热能散失进行了分析与计算.结果 通过分析与计算生产过程中每小时可回收余热4.16×106kJ,回收的热量可以每小时产生约17.33 t 55℃的热水.结论 每小时产生的热水完全可以满足该厂蒸汽锅炉的补偿水和生产车间职工洗浴用水的需要,证明了所设计的筒型体结构件在生产过程中的热泵式余热回收系统是合理的.在实现废热利用的同时,即可减少冷凝热对环境产生的热污染,又可减少冷却塔的运行费用和噪声,还可以减少蒸汽锅炉的用煤量.%This paper studies the possibility of recovering the waste heat in the machining process of cartridge type structures( 58SiMn steel)and the possibility of using the recalled calories to provide bath water for workers and compensation water for steam boilers. In this paper, the waste heat recovery system based on heat pump was analyzed, including system composition, working principle, thermal parameters, etc. According to the technique characteristics of hot pump and the thermodynamics mechanism, the paper carried out analysis and calculation about the lost thermal energy and the power of the medium repeatedly-heating machine. The whole process can produce 17.33 ton hot water of 55 ℃ per hour using the recalled calories.These hot water can provide the required water for the steam boilers and the worker bathing. This research shows that waste heat recovery system used in the production of the cartridge type structures is effective.



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