首页> 中文期刊>沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版) >配筋形式对配筋胶合木梁受弯性能影响试验




目的 提出3种新型的配筋方式,研究配筋形式对胶合木梁受弯性能的影响.方法 通过普通胶合木梁、开槽配筋胶合木梁、开槽灌胶配筋胶合木梁和体外配筋胶合木梁等5组梁的受弯性能试验,对比分析配筋胶合木梁的破坏形态、极限承载力、荷载-挠度曲线、截面应变等试验数据.结果 同开槽配筋胶合木梁相比,开槽灌胶配筋胶合木梁的受弯极限承载力提高了25%;体外下侧配筋胶合木梁受弯极限承载力提高了55%,其压区应变提高了33.5%,使受压区木材得到较为充分的利用.结论 采用开槽灌胶配筋的方式弥补了梁底开槽对木材抗拉强度的削弱,体外下侧配筋的方式既保证了胶合木梁的完整,又使承载力得到进一步的提高.%In order to study the flexural behavior on the different forms of reinforced glulam beams,we put forward three new forms of reinforcement.Five different groups of tests have been taken to study their bending performance,which are ordinary glulam beam,slotted reinforced glulam beam,slotted glue reinforced beam,external reinforced beam and so on.And various data was comparatively analyzed from four aspects,the destruction form of reinforced beams,the ultimate bearing capacity,the load deflection curve and the section strain.As a result,comparing with slotted reinforced glulam beam,the flexural ultimate bearing capacity of slotted glue reinforced beam has been improved by 25%,the ultimate bearing capacity of external reinforced glued beam has been increased by 55% and the compressive strain has been increased by 33.5%,which made the timber in the compression area fully utilized.It's shown that,the wood's tensile strength which weakened by beam bottom groove could be remedied by slotted glue reinforcement.The form of external reinforcement can not only ensure the integrity of the beam,but also further improve the beams beating capacity.



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