首页> 中文期刊> 《山西大同大学学报(社会科学版)》 >晋西北根据地妇女劳动力资源开发探析——以纺织妇女为例




In the middle of Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese aggressors launched a lot of "mopping-up" to the area base of northwestern Shanxi province, and implemented economic blockade to it, uhich made the army and people meet serious difficulties in clothes. To solve the clothes problems, the Anti-Japanese democratic government took arouse the rural women to textile work as it's a central task, the government improved the women's quality of labor force from all sides, adopted a great preferential policies to foster women textile, advocated exchange work each other to overcome labor mutual waste, developed certain scale operation and encouraged the spinners to collaborate so as to promote women's labor efficiency, made the underlying labor force resources of women Could be fully utilized. Thus Strengthened the ability of female existence and development, the rural women become an important strength to recovery and development the base area's cotton textile, and effectively support the resistance war.%抗战中期,日寇对晋西北根据地发动多次“扫荡”,并实行经济封锁,致使根据地军民的穿衣问题遇到严重困难。为解决军民的穿衣问题,抗日民主政府以发动农村妇女纺织为中心,从多渠道提高妇女劳动力素质,落实扶植妇纺的优惠政策,倡导互助变工,克服劳动力浪费,发展规模经营,鼓励民间纺织合作,增进妇女劳动力的使用效率,使妇女潜藏的劳动力资源得以充分发挥,成为恢复和发展根据地棉纺业的重要力量,有力地支持了抗战。



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