首页> 中文期刊>山西农业大学学报(社会科学版) >《珍妮姑娘》中珍妮姑娘的悲剧——惩罚的仪式




There is continuous study on Theodore Dreise's Jennie Gerhardt from various perspectives in the academic circles, which is helpful for a better and deeper understanding of the works. However, compared with other great works, Jennie Gerhardt has not received ample favor and attention, and there is still large room for study. This paper dwells on the tragedy of Jennie Gerhardt from the aspect of ritual, pointing out that the novel is actually a grand tragic ritual Jennie hosts for herself, in which there are mainly the serious absence of marriage ritual and religious ritual, and the excessive presence of the emotional ritual.%学术界对美国作家德莱赛的作品《珍妮姑娘》的悲剧性研究一直没有停止过,研究角度和方法各异,为全面而深刻地认识这部作品提供了很大帮助。然而,与德莱塞的其它作品相比较,这部作品仍然没有得到足够的青睐,仍然有很大的研究空间。从仪式的角度对文本的悲剧性进行解读,指出这部作品实质是珍妮始娘为自己举行的一场盛大的悲剧仪式。而贯穿这场仪式始终的,主要是婚姻仪式和宗教仪式的严重缺席,以及感性仪式的过度在场。



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