首页> 中文期刊>商丘师范学院学报 >EDA 技术与电子信息工程专业课程的融合教学研究

EDA 技术与电子信息工程专业课程的融合教学研究



In view of the talent fostering requirement of the electronic information engineering and combining the present teaching situation and industry demand, a new mode of the integrated teaching of EDA technology and specialized courses is presented.By choosing the EDA software and the related specialized courses reasonably, optimizing the course system, improving the teaching contents and innovating the teaching method, the studying initiative of the students can be raised effectively and the learning and practice abilities can be proved.Then the higher quality applied talents satisfying the industry demand of the Electronic Information Engineering may be more.%根据电子信息工程专业人才培养要求,结合目前该专业的教学现状以及行业需求,提出一种EDA技术与专业课程融合教学的新模式。通过合理选择EDA工具软件及相关专业课程、优化设置课程体系、改革教学内容以及创新教学方法,能有效地调动学生的学习积极性,促进学生学习能力和实践能力的提高,有利于培养符合行业需求的高素质应用型人才。



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