首页> 中文期刊> 《上海体育学院学报》 >国际奥委会改革理念阐释与中国体育的战略选择构想




Against the background that Olympic movement is facing much challenges and International Olympic Committee is launching some revolutionary projects, the trend of China's more comprehensive reform and the task of staging Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games provide the reform of Chinese sport challenges and unprecedented opportunities.Based on the methodology of text analysis, the study explained from 3 dimensions, that is, the concept ideology, organization structure and operation systems, and the reform intention, process and characteristic of IOC, since Thomas Bach acted as the 9 th president of IOC, and offered three proposals as follows:to promote the thought and theory innovation on sport, fully implement institution and mechanism innovation, and deeply launch sustainable project and event innovation.%在国际奥林匹克运动出现较多困难和国际奥委会出台诸多改革举措的背景下, 中国全面深化改革的形势与北京筹办2022年冬奥会的任务也对中国体育改革提出了严峻挑战与空前机遇.基于文献资料和文本分析的视角, 从思想观念、组织架构和运行体系3个维度, 阐释托马斯·巴赫就任国际奥委会主席以来的改革思路与意图、进程与特征, 提出对当前中国体育改革和战略选择的建议:积极主动推进体育思想和理论创新;全面系统实施体育体制和机制创新;持续深入开展体育活动和项目创新.



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