首页> 中文期刊>上海大学学报(社会科学版) >仪式与文本:周代官学之“诗礼乐”教与“书教”考异




Poetry,history,rites and music were the most fundamental part of the imperial and official cur-riculum system in Western Zhou Dynasty,a classic system that was earliest acknowledged by royal administra-tion.However,judging from the such documents as The Analects ofConfucius,Book ofRites and Guoyu,Histo-ry was still wandering outside part of the aristocratic educational curriculum system at least before the late Spring and Autumn Period or the early Warring States Period.This indicates that different from the fact that as political and social rites,poetry,rites and music were generally taught by both Piyong (imperial higher educa-tion)and Pangong (higher education in vassals’fiefs)in Western Zhou Dynasty,History was the written“text”only for the imperial Piyong curriculum,while in the Pangong curriculum,the documents such as the genres of guzhi (records of ancient history),lin (decrees),shi (records of the activities of ancient kings and princes)and xundian (precepts by kings)in each fief replaced History while functioning as national historical education.An exploration into the causes of the differences and the functions and the impact of the dissemina-tion of History at its early period,will be conducive to an in-depth understanding of the concepts behind the curriculum design in the imperial and official education in Western Zhou Dynasty.%诗、书、礼、乐是西周王官教育中最核心的课程体系,也是最早得到王权认可的经典体系。但从《论语》、《礼记》、《国语》等文献的记载中可以发现,至晚到春秋后期乃至战国前期,《书》学仍游离于部分贵族教育课程体系之外。这说明,与“诗礼乐”为辟雍、泮宫两级学校普遍教授的政治、社交仪式不同,《书》是天子辟雍中课试贵族子弟的书面“文本”,而在诸侯泮宫中,各国故志、令、世、训典等文献则取代《书》,承担了国家历史教育的基本功能。对于这一差异的形成原因及其对早期《书》学功能、传播之影响的研究,将有助于我们深入理解西周王官之学的课程设置理念。



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