首页> 中文期刊>山东理工大学学报(社会科学版) >网络强国背景下地方政府治理能力的提升




To build a network power has been ranked as a national strategy at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , and has been listed in the 13th Five Year Plan. Local government , under such a background , is expected:to take adjustment in its positioning and administra-tion, upholding “administration through network”, benefiting from cyber mass line;to adapt to its new role as a“network government” and construct a new open and shared governing pattern;to establish “internet ideolo-gy”, which conveys and spreads positive energy;to construct an internet space of civilization , clean and se-cured , and thus to promote the modernization of administration .%党的十八届五中全会将“网络强国”提升为国家战略,并纳入“十三五”规划建议之中。在此背景下,地方政府应不断调适角色定位及其治理方式,坚持“网络治理”理念,走好网上群众路线;适应“网络政府”角色,构建开放共享新格局;打造“网络意识形态”阵地,做正能量的传播者;营造“网上文明”环境,创建安全清朗的网络空间,从而推进治理能力的现代化。



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