


The present 3 D movies are characterized with 1. spectacularity of their subjects,2. absence of the objective truth,3. low-speed in editing( limited only to all 3 D movies),and 4. roughness and crudeness of their story structures. Their emergence is due either to reasons inherent in the production of stereo-images difficult to overcome,or to the outer impact of their huge economic costs,or even to the multiple restrictions of internal and external factors. However,absence of the objective truth and rough-ness and crudeness of their story structures are the fundamental reasons for the deterioration of the 3 D movie narrative,and the very breakthrough for them to improve the narrative. However,an overall strate-gy for 3 D movies is just to put objective truth into the spectacularity of their subjects,and to release the former with an ingenious story structure while the low-speed in editing remains the same,and the spec-tacular subjects are still in use. And the principle for the narrative of 3 D movies to abide by is to tap the narrative potential of stereo-images themselves,but not to over rely on the revelation of words and spee-ches.%当下3D电影叙事表现为题材奇观化、客观真实缺失、剪辑慢速(仅限全3D电影)、故事结构粗简四大特点。它们的产生或有立体影像难以克服的内在原因,或受经济成本等的外在影响,或被内外多重因素所制约。客观真实缺失和故事结构粗简是3D电影叙事劣质化的根本原因,也是实现叙事改善的突破口。保持慢速剪辑特点不变,暂时继续取用奇观题材;将客观真实置入奇观题材中,并用精巧的故事结构为客观真实去蔽,是3D电影叙事总策略。发掘立体影像本身的叙事潜力,而非过度依赖言语文字揭示,是3D电影叙事应坚持的原则。



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