首页> 中文期刊>陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版) >秦岭地区中华蜜蜂5个地理种群翅形态差异的几何形态测量学研究




Wings are important flying organs of insects, and their shapes are closely related to the ecological environment.A quantitative study of wing shape in five populations of Apis cerana cerana from Qinling Mountains was conducted by utilizing a geometric morphometric method.The variation patterns were characterized with canonical variates analysis (CVA) and cluster methodology.The following results were obtained.(1)The characteristics of fore-wings and hind-wings among populations are obviously deviated.According to CVA analyses, the FP and XYB populations which locat in the south of Qinling Mountains showed with resemblance, the CA and TP population are similar.However, the fore-wings and hind-wings characteristics of the ZQ population are different, and the population status is diversified, which is considered to be transitive population.(2)The cluster topology and the CVA both have highly compatible results.The CA population is placed at the base of the topology, and the major differences of the cluster results between fore-wings and hind-wings are due to the position changes of the ZQ population, which has indirectly supported the speculation that ZQ might be a transitive population.In summary, we considered that Apis cerana cerana has formed polarization of species because of the complicated natural environment in Qinling Mountains.Our findings will provide evidences for the further studies on genetic resources and evolution of Apis cerana cerana.%翅是昆虫飞行的重要器官,其形态与生态环境密切相关.采用几何形态测量学方法对秦岭地区中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)5个地理种群前后翅的形态进行量化,运用规范变量分析法(CVA法)和聚类分析法研究了其变化规律.结果显示:(1)前后翅形态存在明显的种群差异.基于CVA分析发现秦岭南部的佛坪种群和旬阳坝种群翅型较为相似,秦岭北部的长安种群和太平森林公园种群翅型较为相似,朱雀种群前后翅形态特殊,划归不同的类群,可能是过渡种群.(2)聚类分析结果与CVA结果一致.长安种群均位于拓扑结构的基部;前后翅聚类结果差别主要表现在朱雀森林公园种群的位置变化,该结果间接支持其为过渡种群.因此,可推测秦岭地区复杂的自然环境已经促使中华蜜蜂形成了明显的种下形态分化.上述结果为研究中华蜜蜂种质资源及种下进化提供了依据.



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