首页> 中文期刊>陕西教育学院学报 >论道教对唐传奇的影响--以《玄怪录・张老》《玄怪录・裴谌》及《传奇・裴航》篇为例




道教是东汉末期产生于中国本土的宗教,经过魏晋南北朝时期的发展,到唐代达到鼎盛期。而中国古代文言小说经过魏晋六朝志怪、志人小说的逐步发展,到唐代终于迎来它的成熟期,唐传奇标志着中国古典文言小说的成熟。道教在唐代对各个阶层特别是文人士大夫阶层的深刻影响,极大地影响了唐传奇的创作。这种影响不仅包括形式也包括内容。本文拟通过唐传奇《玄怪录》中的《张老》《裴谌》篇及《传奇》中的《裴航》篇来窥探道教对唐传奇的影响。%Taoism is the Chinese native religion ,originated in the late Eastern Han Dynasty ,after a pe-riod of development of Wei Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties ,to the Tang Dynasty it reached a peak .While the ancient classical Chinese novel gradually developed after the Zhiguai ,Zhiren novel of Wei and Jin Dynasties ,to the Tang Dynasty it finally ushered in its mature period ,Legends of Tang Dynasty marks the maturity of Chinese classical novel .Taoism influemed the Tang Dynasty on all levels especially on the literati and officialdom ,and has greatly influenced the creation of legends of Tang Dynasty .This in-fulence includes not only the form bout also the contet .This paper aims to propose the influence of Tacism on Legends of Tang Dynasty ,through Zhang L ao and Pei Chen in X uan Guai Lu ,and Pei H ang in the Leugends of Tang Dynasty .



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