首页> 中文期刊> 《陕西行政学院学报》 >对陕南移民搬迁工作规范化建设的思考




The government of Shaanxi province proposed that the 2,400,000 resi-dents who lived on the mountains and geological hazards in the three cities of Southern Shaanxi will be migrated and relocated within 10 years. The project will be a grand livelihood project that resolves the security and development of these residents. Whether it can reach the target of moving out , stability and becoming rich, depends on the stan-dardization of relocation project. To carry on this work, it needs institutionalize the relo-cation work, select sites scientifically, standardize construction, relocate oriented project, diversify financing, resettle preferential policy, build a new community and industrialize immigrants who itch to get rich.%陕西省委、省政府提出,用10年时间对陕南三市居住在深山半坡和地质灾害点上的60万户,240万群众实施移民搬迁,这是解决陕南恶劣环境地区群众居住安全和生存发展的重大民生工程。要达到“搬得出、稳定住、能致富”的目标,就必须大力推进搬迁工作的规范化建设。笔者认为,应在搬迁工作制度化、规划选址科学化、工程建设规范化、搬迁安置项目化、资金筹集多元化、安置政策优惠化、社区组建新型化、移民致富产业化等八个方面进一步推进移民搬迁工作规范化建设。



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