首页> 中文期刊> 《中国安全生产科学技术》 >基于Pathfinder的高校教学楼出口人员疏散仿真研究




Aiming at the problem of personnel evacuation from exits of university teaching building , based on the field obser-vation data , the Pathfinder 2015 software platform was used to set the building and personnel motion parameters , and the per-sonnel evacuation simulation of a university teaching building was carried out .The change of evacuation time , cumulative number of evacuation and average personnel flow in each stair exit under different scenarios were simulated through designing and adjusting the classroom arrangement , and the Origin9.1 data graph visualization was applied to compare and analysis the evacuation situation before and after adjustment of classroom arrangement .The results showed that when fully using the class-rooms on lower floor to arrange course and properly arranging the classes with larger personnel number in the classrooms near to the stair exit, the evacuation time shortened from 609.3 s to 591.6 s, the number of personnel to be evacuated on the 5th floor reduced from 410 to 187 , the crowd in stair exits on partial floors distributed uniformly , and the average personnel flow in stair exits on the 4th and 5th floor decreased , being less than 1 people per second .Therefore, the university should ar-range the courses on each class reasonably , control the number of students properly , adjust the crowd distribution in teaching building , increase the utilization rate of classrooms on lower floor and utilize each stair exit fully , so as to shorten the person-nel evacuation time on higher floors and improve the evacuation efficiency .%针对高校教学楼出口人员疏散问题,基于现场观测数据,运用Pathfinder2015软件平台设置建筑物和人员运动参数,对某高校教学楼进行人员疏散模拟仿真.通过设计调整教室排课疏散场景,仿真不同场景下各楼梯出口的疏散时间、累计疏散人数和平均人流量变化情况,利用Origin9.1数据图形可视化对比分析教室排课调整使用前后教学楼的人员疏散情况.结果表明:充分利用低楼层教室排课,适当将人数较多班级分散安排至靠近楼梯出口教室,疏散时间从609.3 s缩短至591.6 s;5楼可疏散人数由410人减至187人,且部分楼层楼梯出口人群分布均匀;4、5楼楼梯出口平均人流量降低且小于1人/s.因此高校应该对各班级合理安排课程,适当控制学生人数,调整教学楼的人群分布,提高低楼层教室使用率,且充分利用各楼梯出口,缩短较高楼层人员疏散时间,提高疏散效率.



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