首页> 中文期刊>铁道科学与工程学报 >土石组合超深基坑开挖下桩锚支护对邻近建筑物影响分析




There is much effect on neighboring buildings by excavation. If the vertical and horizontal displacement of soil under the foundation of pit excaration as well as around sorrounding soils are oversize, it can result in structural failure, even function loss. Finite element method was used to analysis building traits under the foundation of ultra - deep foundation pit. The pile deformation and subside in the different excavation depths, stiffnesses and different of pile spacing were researched. And it has contrasted the pile deformation and subside without near buildings impact. Through comparative monitoring and simulation, the conclusion has certain directive significance for this project.And it has preferable reference value to similar projects.%基坑开挖一般对邻近建筑物影响很大,基坑内和周围土体的垂直和水平位移过大,会导致建筑物结构破坏,甚至功能失效.采用限元法,对土石组合超深基基坑开挖下邻近建筑物的性状进行分析,研究在不同开挖深度、不同刚度、不同桩间间距下工况下,桩体变形和地表沉降,并与未考虑临近建筑物影响的变位进行对比分析.在将现场监测结果与模拟值进行对比分析的基础上,获得了有益的成果,且对基坑施工具有较好的参考价值.



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