首页> 中文期刊>雷达学报 >频率分集阵雷达技术探讨




频率分集阵(Frequency Diverse Array, FDA)雷达不同天线单元的发射载频存在微小的差异,从而带来了发射方向图距离角度时间依赖的特性,这一特性提供了FDA雷达新的信息和信号处理灵活度,也带了新的技术问题.该文综述了FDA天线技术及雷达应用的相关研究进展,并重点从雷达系统理论与工程应用的角度,着重分析了相干FDA雷达和正交FDA雷达两种体制的技术特点,指出FDA雷达在抗干扰、抗模糊中的应用优势,梳理了FDA雷达技术的难点和研究方向.%The carrier frequencies of array elements in a Frequency Diverse Array (FDA) radar are slightly distinguished, leading to a range-angle-time-dependent transmit beampattern. Thus, an FDA radar carries additional information in a certain range and provides more flexibility in signal processing and new technical issues. FDA is covered by scope of the general waveform diversity concept. This paper overviews the state-of-the-art FDA technology and its radar applications. From the viewpoint of the general radar system theory, we mainly introduce the coherent FDA and orthogonal FDA frameworks. The orthogonal FDA is also referred to as Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar using FDA or FDA-MIMO radar. Key applications in anti-jamming and issues related with range ambiguity are addressed. We also outline the challenges in FDA radar applications and several interesting research topics.



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