首页> 中文期刊> 《青岛理工大学学报》 >混合式堆坝尾矿料的基本性能及沉积规律分析




尾矿库混合式筑坝既吸收了上游式筑坝的优点,又吸纳了中线法的优点,有利于高坝的稳定. 大红山龙都尾矿库是我国为数不多的采用混合式堆坝的大型尾矿库,在对龙都尾矿库尾矿料试验分析的基础上,重点研究了上游法和中线法堆坝尾矿料的颗粒组成、基本物理性质、抗剪强度、压缩性等物理力学特征,总结了不同筑坝方式尾矿的沉积规律. 结果表明,上游法堆积尾矿砂粒含量明显高于中线法堆积尾矿,上游法堆积尾矿在宏观上具坝前粗、库尾细及纵向上粗下细的特点,微观上具夹层、互层、交错层等韵律沉积现象;中线法堆积尾矿与上游法堆积尾矿在沉积规律的不同之处是宏观纵向上具粗细一致性的特点.%A dam constructed by upstream and centerline methods is favorable to the stability of high dam, it absorbs not only the advantages of the upstream methods, but also the advantages of the centerline method. On the test and analysis of tailings from Longdu tailings dam, the physical and mechanics properties of tailings are test and the law of tailings deposition analyzed. The results show that the amounts of sand of tailings dam constructed by upstream methods are much higher than those by centerline methods. The tailings of upstream method have the characteristics of thicker particle in the front of the dam, on the other hand, there are such phenomena as interlayer, cross layer and staggered layer from the microscopic view. There exists similarity between the overflow tailings in the centerline method and the upstream tailings, the law of tailings deposition by centerline method has consistency in the macroscopic direction.



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