首页> 中文期刊> 《齐鲁师范学院学报》 >老子“天之道”、“人之道”初探




At the age of Lao Tzu, there were wide gaps between the rich and the poor in the society. He exposed the root cause of this phenomenon. He criticized the way of people and called for a return to the way of heaven. The latter is not only objective, transcendent, but also serves as the criteria of value. It is balanced and just, beneficial and harmless, content and moderate. The way of people has two important dimensions. It means that the way of heaven serves as the standard of value while the way of people is divided into real form and ideal form. The appearance of the real form of the way of people comes from its multiple deviations from the ideal form. The purpose of criticizing the way of people is to establish the way of heaven as the core principles of social distribution. It aims to advocate rational egalitarianism, which is of great significance to solve the current wealth gap.%老子生活的时代,社会贫富差距悬殊,他揭露了造成贫富悬殊的根本原因,批判了“人之道”,呼吁回归“天之道”。老子的“天之道”不仅具有客观性、超越性,而且具有价值规范的意义。它具有均衡公正、利而不害、知足谦让的特点。“人之道”具有二重维度,即以“天之道”为价值标准,将“人之道”区分为现实形态与理想形态。“人之道”现实形态的产生,源于其对理想形态的多重背离。老子批判“人之道”的目的,在于确立以“天之道”为核心的社会分配原则,倡导合理的平均主义,对于解决当前贫富差距问题具有重要的借鉴意义。



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