
1. A brief introduction The Bible is the holy books of the Christians: It is the classic works of Christianity. It consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, each consisting of several volumes written at different times. It first appeared in Hebren because it was originally written by the Jewish people. It’s said that Christianity came into being in the middle of the first century A. D. But the Old Testament appeared much earlier than that. We can’t say exactly when it was written. We only know that it appeared gradually, bit by bit, in small collections during the last three centuries B. C and the first century A. D. As for the New Testament, it appeared after the death of Christ,in the first two or three centuries A. D. It was said to be spreaded first by the followers of Jesus Christ, existing in small pamphlets which were passed from hand to hand secretly. And finally it was compiled by the Roman church with a number of learned men, keeping a few of the gospels and a few of the letters writ




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