首页> 中文期刊>实用医学杂志 >重复肾、重复输尿管畸形的CT尿路成像诊断及与B超、静脉泌尿道造影的对比




Objective To investigate the application values of B-mode ultrasonography , IVU and spiral CT urography (CTU) in duplication of kidney and ureter. Methods Data of the results from B-mode ultrasonography , IVU and spiral CTU on 85 cases with duplication of renal pelvis and ureter were retrospectively analyzed. Results The diagnostic accordance rates of B-mode ultrasonography , IVU and spiral CTU for duplication of kidney and ureter were 44.7%, 60.0% and 100%, respectively. CTU examination and image post-processing could clearly display the locations and degrees of dilatation or obstruction in duplication of kidney and ureter, and could also display the ectopic location and assess renal function. Conclusion The diagnostic accuracy rate of CTU examination and image post-processing for duplication of kidney and ureter is higher than those of B-mode ultrasonography and IVU.%目的:探讨 B 超、静脉泌尿道造影(IVU)和 CT 尿路成像术(CTU)在重复肾、重复输尿管畸形诊断中的应用价值。方法:对我院85例重复肾、重复输尿管畸形病例的B 超、IVU及CTU检查结果进行回顾性分析。结果:B超、IVU和CTU对重复肾、重复输尿管畸形的诊断符合率分别为44.7%、60.0%、100%。CTU检查及影像后处理能够清晰显示重复肾、重复输尿管扩张或梗阻部位和程度。结论:CTU检查及影像后处理诊断重复肾、重复输尿管畸形的正确率高于B超和IVU ,能够准确做出诊断结果,可指导临床术式选择。



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