首页> 中文期刊>鄱阳湖学刊 >生物区域主义、学术研究和实践主义——迈克尔·P·布兰奇访谈录




This paper is an interview with celebrated eco-critic,professor Branch.In this interview,the importance of local consciousness in our increasingly globalized world is discussed,as well as how bioregional conceptions of home might differ from regional understandings of place.The relationship between environmental scholarship and environmental activism is also commented on.Professor Branch also illustrates in what ways bioregional consciousness and practice might connect environmental scholarship and activism and,in particular,how the principles of bioregionalism might contribute to productive,local environmental activism in a globalized world.What's more,Professor Branch elaborates profoundly what is the role of the science writer as cultural translator or interpreter of environmental science and how these writers make science accessible and engaging to general readers as well as how they accurately represent the dramatic insights of specific scientific disciplines without bogging down in technical jargon.At the same time,Professor Branch explains what approaches they use to entertain us into becoming more ecologically literate.%本文是对著名生态批评家布兰奇教授的访谈。在采访中,布兰奇教授探讨了日渐全球化的背景下本土意识的重要性,以及生物地域主义中对"家"这个概念的理解如何区别于"住处"这个概念,同时还评论了环境研究与环境实践主义之间的关系。布兰奇教授阐明了生物地域意识和生物地域实践如何与环境研究和环境实践相结合,特别是生物地域主义原则在全球化背景下如何促进本地环境实践主义的发展。此外,布兰奇教授还深入探讨了科学作家在环境科学传播中的文化译者角色,以及这些作家如何使普通读者理解科学并参与其中,又如何避开那些技术术语去准确呈现特定科学领域的惊人成果。同时,布兰奇教授论述了他们采用何种方法吸引我们进一步认识生态领域。



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