首页> 中文期刊> 《政法学刊》 >强制隔离戒毒的治理理念纠偏及创新--基于社会工作与强制隔离戒毒相融入的视角




In the process of detoxification via labor transited to the compulsory isolated detoxification, judi-cial administration departments face a bottleneck in many aspects, such as unclear function orientation, difficulties to change the attitude of drug abuser, and the intense relationship between correctional officers and drug addicts, etc..To break the shackles of compulsory isolated detoxification and implement its innovation, we shall know a-bout the concepts and methods of social work, Three aspects of the work shall be carried out:1) rationalizing the relationship between management and service and fully understanding the drug addicts'principal status;2) diversi-fying governments subjects to strengthen correctional officers'guidance, self -management, peer education and social work organizations to participate in the work of governance;3 ) accelerating the legalization of compulsory i-solated detoxification to safeguard human rights and provide the legal guarantee of drug addicts.%司法行政部门的劳教戒毒向强制隔离戒毒转变的过程中,面临着多方面的瓶颈,如职能定位不清、定位转变难、管教人员与戒毒人员之间的关系紧张等。为突破强制隔离戒毒工作的发展桎梏,实现强制隔离戒毒机构的治理创新,应借鉴社会工作专业的理念与方法,开展三方面的工作:一要理顺管理与服务之间的关系,充分认识戒毒人员的主体地位;二是实现治理主体的多元化,不仅要加强管教人员的引导,还需加强戒毒人员的自我管理、同伴管理以及社工机构的参与;三是推进强制隔离戒毒的治理法制化工作,为保障戒毒人员的人权提供法律保障。



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