首页> 中文期刊>政法学刊 >交通运输系统公共安全危机管理法制化研究




The legalization of public safety crisis management in essence is a legal framework in which all the social forces can participate and all the available people , properties and things can be used to effectively deal with public safety crisis .Examining from the current legal framework in transportation system , there exist imbal-ance between power , responsibility and interest and excessive arbitrariness in process .As a result in the situation of abnormal social order , the excessive execution of government power will lead to the excessive restriction of indi-vidual rights of citizens and enterprise , etc.The future legalization of public safety crisis management shall start from the aspects of procedural regulation of power allocation and execution and supervision of power operation to construct a legal framework where power control mechanism and right remedy means are made clear .%公共安全危机管理法制化的实质即是建立和健全动员社会力量协作参与,征调一切可用的人、财、物,以有效应对公共安全危机的法律框架体系。从交通运输系统现有法律框架的角度看,普遍存在着实体上权、责、利划分的不平衡,程序上过度任意性的问题,其后果是在非常态社会秩序下,政府权力的超常行使必然对应公民、企业等社会个体权利的过分压抑。未来公共安全危机管理法制化的进程应该从权力的分配、权力行使的程序规范与及权力运行的监督等方面入手,构建权力控制机制和权利救济途径明确的法律框架。



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