首页> 中文期刊>政法论丛 >素朴的技巧:《法律答问》中的法律解释方法




There is a very long history of legal interpretation in China."The Asks and Answers to Law Written in the Bamboo Slips Founded in the Qin Dynasty Tomb"has shown an excellent technique of legal interpretation to us,which was used by the judges before 2000 years.At that time,in order to applying the law correctly,some judicial officials have used a lot of the arts of legal interpretation,such as defining,differentiating,classifying,restrictive interpretation,analogical interpretation,etc.,and have invented the form of ask-answer legal interpretation.All of these arts are very advanced,and build a solid foundation for the development of legal interpretation in our country.Legal interpretations in"The Asks and Answers to Law Written in the Bamboo Slips" are often in the form of giving an example,so they are very clear,simple and vivid.In addition,people show their inclination to the objectivity and the strictness when they explain the law,so their interpretations are characteristic for their "strictness" of the Legalist school.%在我国,法律解释的历史非常悠久。湖北云梦睡虎地出土的秦墓竹简《法律答问》向我们展现了秦代的法律解释技巧。为了准确地适用法律,司法人员广泛地运用了语词定义、区别、分类、限制解释、类推解释、附带说明等解释技巧,并发明了问答式的法律解释形式,这在当时是非常先进的,为法律解释学在我国的发展打下了很好的基础。《法律答问》中的法律解释除了阐明法律概念的义理外,还常以例释义,不仅简单明了,而且形象生动。此外,在解释法律概念时,还带有追求客观性、严格性的倾向,因此,具有法家"严苛"的特点。



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