首页> 中文期刊> 《军械工程学院学报》 >云爆剂渗漏挥发原因分析




针对云爆弹在弹药仓库贮存过程发生云爆剂渗漏挥发问题,利用Small法和Fedors法分别计算了不同丙烯腈质量分数丁腈橡胶的溶解度参数,通过比较丁腈橡胶和硝酸异丙酯的溶解度参数可知两者会产生溶胀,导致云爆剂通过密封丁腈橡胶圈渗漏挥发,从而能够确定云爆剂渗漏挥发原因.而后利用简易弹体模型和可燃气体检测仪研究了贮存温度对云爆剂挥发体积分数的影响,最后根据分析结果提出相应建议与措施.%Aiming at the problem of FAE leakage and volatilization in the storage process of the ammunition depot, the solubility parameters of different contents of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber were calculated by Small method and Fedors method respectively.By comparing the solubility parameters of nitrile rubber and isopropyl nitrate,it can be known that they can swell with each other and result in the volatilization of FAE through nitrile rubber sealing ring,and the cause of FAE leakage and volatilization can be determined.Then the effect of storage temperature on the volatile concentration of FAE was studied by using simple missile model and combustible gas detector.Finally, according to the analysis results, the corresponding suggestions and measures are put forward.



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