首页> 中文期刊> 《护士进修杂志》 >减轻米诺环素注入牙周袋内诱发疼痛的护理研究




Objective To study minocycline injection in the periodontal pocket for the least discomfort and pain of the gingiva for chronic periodontitis patients after conventional mechanical treatment supplemented with Nd:YAG laser irradiation.Method 110 patients with chronic periodontitis was selected and divided into five groups according to the time after minocycline removal from the refrigerator:injection immediately after removal (T0) ; injection after 2 minutes (T1); injection after 4 minutes (T2); injection after 6 minutes (T3); injection after 8 minutes (T4).Each group of patients was treated by pulse-type Nd:YAG laser irradiation to clear the dirty surface of the teeth first,then by groups,they was treated by the injection of minocycline deep into periodontal pocket with the tender injection needle of special injector.The pain and discomfort (VAS score) 5 minutes after the drug injection was evaluated.Result For the five groups of patients,there is no significant difference in general.VAS score for the injection after 6 minutes (T3) is(2.8 ± 0.3) and the VAS score for the 8 minutes(T4) is (2.6 ± 0.4).Compared to the group T0,T1 and T2,the difference was statistically significant (P< 0.05).Conclusion During the treatment of chronic periodontitis after conventional mechanical treatment supplemented by Nd:YAG laser irradiation,the patients feel the least pain and discomfort with the injection of minocycline after 6~8 minutes of its removal form the frigate,and enhance the treatment effect for chronic periodontal disease.%目的 探索慢性牙周炎经常规机械治疗辅以Nd:YAG激光照射后,何种温度的米诺环素注入牙周袋后对牙龈的刺激疼痛不适感最轻.方法 选取慢性牙周炎患者110例,依据米诺环素从冰箱内取出后置入室温中的时间随机分为5组:药物取出后即刻注射(T0),2 min时注射(T1),4 min时注射(T2),6 min时注射(T3)分,8 min时注射(T4).每组患者在龈上下洁治术清除牙齿表面的结石后,调节脉冲型Nd:YAG激光仪照射15~30 s,清除牙周袋内菌斑及根面玷污层.激光治疗结束后,依据分组的情况,利用特制的药物注射器,通过纤细的针头将米诺环素注射入牙周袋的深部.药物注射5 min后,进行注射后的疼痛不适评分(VAS评分).结果 五组患者一般情况差异无显著意义.药物从冰箱取出后6 min注射的患者VAS评分为(2.8±0.3)分,8 min注射的患者评分为(2.6士0.4)分,患者的疼痛不适较轻微;与取出后即刻、2 min以及4 min注射的疼痛不适比较差异有显著意义(P<0.05).结论 慢性牙周炎的治疗中常规机械治疗辅以Nd:YAG激光照射后,注入在室温中放置6~8 min的米诺环素,患者疼痛不适轻微,并可提高慢性牙周病的治疗效果.



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